30 bugs to watch out for this fall in San Antonio
With every season comes a new set of bugs, pests, and insects ready to invade our gardens and homes. However, some are good guys.
Between the chewers, suckers, and lawn ants, Molly Keck, senior program specialist for the integrated pest management program for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, previously broke down which ones every San Antonian should watch for last fall during a seminar. And, she said it’s likely the same for this fall.
Keck also added how you’re probably already seeing high loads of aphids at the moment due to the rain the city saw a few weeks back. Aphids love humidity and moisture and lack of airflow. Rain means more moisture, but it’s also getting the plants full and lush so that’s clogging up the airflow between and among plants.
Aphids consume leaves, in...